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Mushroom Grow Kit FAQs
Need help with your mushroom growing journey?
Here are some questions and answers to guide you through the process!
How long can I store my grow kit without growing it?It is ideal to start growing as soon as possible because what you have in your grow kit is a living, growing organism! If you do not wish to begin your growing process immediately, you can store your Blue Oyster and Lion’s Mane grow kit in the fridge, where it can be kept for about 2 months. For the Pink Oyster and Golden Oyster grow kits, we strongly encourage you to grow them right away as they don’t store well in the fridge due to their low tolerance for cold temperatures.
Why do I cut an X on the grow bag?By cutting an X on the grow bag, you create a layer of plastic flaps around the substrate that retains moisture after misting your grow kit. This helps to keep the grow kit humid, providing the optimal environment for your mushroom’s growth!
Where should I place my grow kit?You should place your grow kit in a shaded area, away from direct sunlight and somewhere humid. Avoid keeping your grow kit in a place with too much breeze such as in air-conditioned environments as it will dry the kit out.
How many times should I mist my mushroom grow kit?You should mist your grow kit 3 times daily with about 3-5 sprays each time. However, everyone’s environment is different and the amount of misting may vary. If your mushrooms look a little dry, consider increasing the amount of misting. An important thing to note is that you are misting to provide a humid environment for your mushrooms to thrive in. Ensure that you do not overwhelm your grow kit with water, and there is no accumulation of water in the grow kit.
Why is my grow kit is not growing any mushrooms?It is normal to not see any substantial growth in the early stages of your mushroom growing journey as it takes time for your mushroom to fruit. Nevertheless, the care you provide to your grow kit matters. Remember to follow the instructions on the grow kit as it helps to ensure that you are taking the right steps to grow your mushroom. However, if you have followed the instructions and your mushrooms are still not growing, do contact us through our website or our Instagram page where we will do everything in our power to help you with your problems!
How do I know when to harvest the mushrooms?For Oyster mushrooms, the best time to harvest them is when their caps are flat, before they start to turn upwards. If your mushroom’s caps have curled upwards and are beginning to dry out, it is a sign that the mushrooms are overripe, and you should harvest it as soon as possible! The Lion’s Mane mushroom does not have caps but rather white, hair-like textures commonly referred to as teeth or spines. It is best to harvest your Lion’s Mane mushroom when the spines have elongated while still being soft and moist, before it turns yellow/brown and dries out.
How do I harvest my mushrooms?Your hands are the best tools here! Simply grab the base of the mushrooms, twist and pull to harvest them.
How do I store my harvested mushrooms?You can store your freshly harvested mushrooms inside a breathable paper bag or a Ziplock bag with paper towels in it, in the fridge for up to a week. Avoid storing your mushrooms in airtight containers and plastic bags to prevent condensation and a lack of airflow, which accelerates the rate at which mushrooms spoil.
Can I eat my mushrooms raw?We highly recommend cooking your mushrooms before eating them to best enjoy their flavours! Sauteing your mushrooms and seasoning them with salt and pepper afterwards helps accentuate their natural and unique flavour profile.
What can I do with my grow kit after I’m fully done growing mushrooms?Once your grow kits stop producing more mushrooms, your mushroom growing journey with that kit has come to an end. However, your grow kit’s journey does not have to conclude there! You can use the substrate inside the grow bag for composting purposes or utilise it as fertiliser for other agricultural needs.
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